Exclusive Blog of Photographer/Graphic Designer/Singer/Songwriter/Author
Justin S. Robinson

Saturday, April 23, 2011

 Model: Sade Hill
"The Beautiful Swan"

Sade ..Sade.. No Ordinary Love..not that Sade..but Model Sade Hill...is out of this world..tall..humble..beautiful...I truly enjoyed shooting her.. It's great to work with someone who just goes for it. I had an idea and she gave me back my idea and more. I look forward to working more with Sade..To all fashion designers and model agencies..you've been looking for Sade without even realizing it..Here she is!

Photographer: Justin S. Robinson
All images© LivinByDesign Photography/2011

What is LivinByDesign?

LivinByDesign..is a term that God gave me for my business. I figured out right away that it basically means living life the way it was created (designed) for us to live it. 

Each person on earth, has a purpose & that purpose is a great one. We often get blinded by our negative experiences, people's lack of understsanding, and so many other realities of life.  

Enjoying life is when you can push those things aside & enjoy who God made you to be. It's a hard...trying to figure out who you are, but it's a journey worth taking. Let me tell you right now, you are more than your mistakes, more than your past, more than people's ideas of you. You are born and destined for greatness. Taking the journey to live out your greatness is worth the fight.

That is real beauty.  

LivinByDesign Photography & Graphics is here to capture beauty, elegance, hope, faith, success, style, strength, confidence, & so much more...All of which is inside of every one of us..It's time to show it!

Why is the G missing in Living?
I have been asked this question so many times.. but it simply represents that you don't have to have everything right or be "perfect" ..you don't have to fit in the box of tradition. You are perfect just the way you are flaws and all. You just have to know how to work them to your advantage!

So, yea..the G is intentionally missing and that is O. K! It's flawed like me. I'm still going to live life like it's golden!!  :)

Here are a couple words of advice from my facebook fan page :
Be confident in who u are..No need 2b everything 4everyone .. it's impossible.So take the pressure off yourself. Ask God 2help u be the best u & keep it moving...we were all created for a purpose..
When you least expect it..your life could change..don't stress over the now..enjoy the now..take the good from every situation..and Enjoy Life!
 Photographer: Justin S. Robinson
All images© LivinByDesign Photography/2011

Model: T.M
"The Think Tank"
I've had the opportunity to see this young man grow over the years. During one of my first teaching positions, he was one of my senior students. I saw something great in him back then and over the years we kept in touch. From my student, to my mentee, to my brother, to now a role model for myself & others, Trevor is making life count & not taking no as an answer. Trevor is also a very talented poet, who can debate you on the newest in hip hop, to what's going on over in Libya, and then tell you the philosophies of Socrates, Malcolm X, & Machiavelli to name a few. This particular day, he jumped on the model bandwagon and he did it justice. The photos speak for themselves.

Photographer: Justin S. Robinson
All images© LivinByDesign Photography/2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Next Top Model is.....I'm Spoiling the Ending!

There is beauty all around us..it's up to us to recognize it! When I see something truly beautiful, I like to give recognition to it..and I am recognizing a beautiful woman by the name of Whitley Nathan...

A caring mother, a creative mind, a great spirit, and a role model, Whitley Nathan is on her way to melting your eyes & sparking your minds to think outside the box!

I'm glad I am going to get to work with her soon. I can say..I remember when :) She will be a force to be reckoned with in the modeling industry.

  (The first two pictures I put my little touch on them, the rest of the creativity is all this young woman's doing. I'm telling you all, she is the bomb, as they said back in the early 2000s lol)

Model: Whitley Nathan

"Genuine Model"

    Model: Phillip Gatling
"The Literary Master"

I first met Phillip in the public school system. This is one talented man to say the least. His students call him Mr. Gatling, but the world will soon be saying his whole name. Gifted with words, Phillip is bound to give this world his own spice of literary genius. So, world..you don't know it yet, but he's coming.
Photographer: Justin S. Robinson
All images© LivinByDesign Photography/2011

Model: Rauve Haley
"The Health Guru"
It was this model's very first shoot. Ha..I shook my head and said yeah right. He proved that talent is talent & I'm so very proud that this young man is my cousin.. little Rauve, isn't so little anymore. Rauve is about to graduate with his undergraduate degree with plans on making sure people look and feel their best as a personal trainer..This young man has a great personality and hopes to make a difference in the lives of others. I have no doubt that he won't have the world talking and saying his name in their living rooms. He may need to look into a career in modeling ..what do you think? 

Photographer: Justin S. Robinson
All images© LivinByDesign Photography/2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The BeginNING

Never would I have thought that I would be where i am today..teaching, traveling, encouraging others through my gifts and talents ..Growing up, I was a quiet, shy kid..with self esteem issues because of my weight.. Who would have thought?..My family always had big dreams for me.. but....I wasn't sure.. but I thank God for those experiences..for all the support and love (spoken and unspoken).. Never would I have thought I would be where I am today.. The cool thing is... I have so much further to go..I'm a bit nervous..but I"m going to continue to walk and ask God to guide my steps.. Hopefully, I'll see you along the way this journey.....

Creatively Yours, Justin S. Robinson